InKnoldus - Technical InsightsbyKnoldus Inc.Using Microsoft SQL Server with Scala SlickApr 26, 2018Apr 26, 2018
InQuick CodebyMiguel LopezHow to Extract and Parse Query Params in Akka HTTPLearn how to extract and parse query parameters when developing web applications with Akka HTTP!Jun 23, 2019Jun 23, 2019
Manning PublicationsExploring Akka’s ActorsFrom Akka in Action, Second Edition by Francisco Lopez-Sancho AbrahamMay 4, 2022May 4, 2022
InKnoldus - Technical InsightsbyKnoldus, flatMap() on Futures & Options in scalaJun 27, 2018Jun 27, 2018
Simone PezzanoEffective API Development for Scala/Akka based microservicesMicroservices are the software architecture that most impacted the recent years. In this article, we investigate the benefits of API…Mar 30, 2019Mar 30, 2019